18 Shoolman Way, Milton, MA 02186 | (617) 698-3394 | Email Us

Congregation Beth Shalom of the Blue Hills

South Shore Jewish Congregation


Making $$$ for Our Congregation

Can you imagine making $$ for our Congregation because you SHOP? You can help make this happen by supporting our New Fundraiser.

Our Scrip Program

How often do you shop for: Food? Prescriptions or Drug Store Items? Home Improvements? Dine Out? If you purchase Scrip from our Congregation, our Congregation makes money.

How often do you buy a gift card for a Birthday? Just Because? Anniversary ? Thank you? Again, if you purchase Scrip from us we make $$$.

What is Scrip you might ask?

Scrip is a term that means “substitute money”

When you purchase Scrip you’re purchasing gift certificates and prepaid cards that are used the same way you would use cash to shop in supermarkets, pharmacies, (CVS or Walgreens), clothing stores, restaurants, home
improvements stores etc. The difference is that our Temple will earn a percentage each time Scrip is purchased. There is no additional charge to you. $25.00 for $25.00 or $100 for $100.

The only difference is that you need to order and re-order to make this program successful.

We all have to eat so why not try this program by purchasing Supermarket Scrip.

Please see this order form for the full list of participating retailers.

Feel free to call with any questions: Congregation Office (Candice, Arlene or Harriet ) 617-698-3394.

To order call the Congregation Office or use the link to the online order form below:
