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Shabbat Services
Erev Shabbat / Friday Night
Each month, several different types of Erev Shabbat service experiences are offered, each with their own feel and flavor. Some are held at 4:30, others at 6:15, 6:30 or 7:45; some at the Temple with others at locations in the wider community; some services are more family friendly while others are more for adults; some include dinner, others a festive Oneg. Descriptions of each follow. Be sure to check the calendar for details. From September – May we hold Friday night services 3 out of every 4 Shabbatot. From June – August we hold services twice a month on Friday nights.
Friday Service at Fuller Village
4:30 PM at Fuller Village Service – Once a month, services are held at Fuller Village; in either the Social Hall at the Brush Hill or Blue Hill campuses. Since many of our seniors live at Fuller Village, bringing the service to them is a true act of loving kindness and always appreciated. A festive Oneg always follows! All are invited. Unless indicated otherwise, services are at the Brush Hill Campus. Note that Yizkor Services that are not on a Friday night take place at 7:45.
Friday Night Service Experiences
- 6:15 PM – Musical Shabbat Services preceded by Lite Dairy Dinner – Led by the inspiring musical talent of David Wesson who sings and plays guitar, with RabbiB joining in on djembe / tof, this service is filled with song & ruach (spirit). If you like to surround yourself with the beauty and power of music then this is for you! Dinner 6:15 – 7:00. Service 7:00 – 7:45 followed by dessert Oneg. Dinner is FREE but RSVP is required.
- 6:30 PM – Host Shabbat followed by Pot Luck Dairy Dinner – Throughout the year, different Temple families host services in their homes. Those who attend bring a dairy or parve salad, main course or side dish. Contact the office if you have questions about our food ingredient and/or preparation kashrut/kosher standards. All the necessary Shabbat fixings of wine, grape juice, challah and prayer books are provided by the Temple. Anywhere from 15 to 30 people have been known to attend! To effectively coordinate the Dairy Pot Luck, an RSVP to the office is appreciated. Let us know if you would be interested in hosting!
- 6:30 PM – Congregational Dinner & Speaker Shabbat – “If you feed them, they will come.” Several times during the year, the whole congregation comes together to enjoy a Shabbat dinner and speaker following services. Some are dinners are meat others, dairy. Vegetarian options are available upon request. The cost of the meal is kept at a minimum and an RSVP is required.
- 6:30 PM – Curry College Hillel Shabbat – A few times each year, Congregation Beth Shalom of the Blue Hills joins together with the Jewish students and faculty at Curry College for joint Friday night services and Shabbat dinner. Services are held in the Curry College Chapel located in their Student Center building. RSVP is required to attend the dinner.
7:45 PM Friday Night Service Experiences
- Guest Speaker Shabbat – Now and then throughout the year speakers are invited to share their knowledge and experience during a sit-down festive Oneg that follows services. Past speakers have included: Judge Sumner Kaplan, Reverend Sam Rodman and Kathy Murphy, Assistant Dean of Admissions at Stone Hill College. Topics have included: “What Israel Means to Me” and “A Book that Influenced My Life”. Go to the Adult Education section of the website to see schedule.
Shabbat Morning – 9:30AM
Each month, different types of service styles are highlighted. This openness to a variety of spiritual experiences is something about which we are very committed. All services include either a sit-down breakfast or Kiddush lunch. Services are held every Saturday morning throughout the year.
- Traditional Shabbat Service – Spirited Singing, Torah Discussion & Dialogue, Participation and Sharing Memories are all hallmarks of this service. So too is the chanting of the Triennial Torah cycle, Haftarah, full Shacharit and abbreviated Musaf.
- Torah Study Shabbat – After completing the Shabbat Shacharit / morning service at approximately 10:30, the congregation is invited to a sit-down breakfast and Torah study discussion led by the Rabbi. At approximately 11:20 services resume with the Torah reading, Haftarah and an abbreviated Musaf Service. Services conclude at around 12:30. People are welcome to come for any or all 3 parts of this Shabbat morning service, eating and study experience.
- Religious School led Shabbat – Morning Services (10:15-12:00) for all vaccinated families are in person. Unvaccinated families please use Zoom. Sign in at 10:15 am using link from “Services” section in “This Week”.
- Shalom Shabbat Story time– Story time with Ronit Voigt – (9:40-10:10) for all families with Young Children aged 4-7. Sign in using separate Zoom link provided in RS News and Happenings the Wednesday before Saturday services. Students in the RS will then sign into the main service at 10:15 and participate through Mi Chamocha.
Sunday Morning Minyan – 9:00AM
Every Sunday morning throughout the year a dedicated group of “minyanaires” gather for a lay-led Shacharit / weekday morning service held in our sanctuary. All are welcome. The service ends at around 9:45.
Yahrtzeit and Shiva Services
Those who wish to have services on a day other than Shabbat in order to honor a loved one who has passed away should contact the rabbi to make arrangements. These services can be held at the synagogue or in your home.