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Congregation Beth Shalom of the Blue Hills

South Shore Jewish Congregation

What If Zoom Crashes?

Dear Zoomigrants,

As you may have heard, Zoom ‘went down’ in the recent past. Since we know that the High Holidays will go on regardless of Zoom, please know that our Techno-Shamas will do whatever they can to keep services coming your way in the rare chance that Zoom can’t handle the Jews around the world who will be attending services online.

So, if you get a message that Zoom isn’t working, and if you retry to log in and it is clearly not working, here is what you should do.

1. Go to the Beth Shalom of the Blue Hills website: https://venue.streamspot.com/56d42993
And you will be connected to our outgoing video and audio ‘stream.’ This is less interactive than Zoom, but it is our fallback option.


2. Go to our Roku channel (Congbethshalombh) on your TV with Roku and participate by viewing the Stream on your television (rather than computer, phone or tablet).

We sincerely hope that Zoom can handle all of us who are doing what we can to stay connected in our unique times. If they can’t, you now know some options.

Shanah Tovah,
David Ehrmann and Jay Balaban

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