Jewish Climate Organizations Dealing with the human existential crisis of global climate change is our ultimate task of
Tikkun Olam, repairing of the world, for which we are all responsible. If we cannot slow climate change, limit its eventual scope, and preserve the livability of this Earth for generations to come, then nothing else matters. Connecting traditional Torah texts with contemporary scientific findings, Canfei Nesharim educates and empowers Jewish individuals, organizations and communities to take an active role in protecting the environment, in order to build a more sustainable world. To secure a just, livable and sustainable world for all people for generations to come by building a multi-generational Jewish movement that confronts the climate crisis with spiritual audacity and bold political action. We are tracking opportunities for the Jewish community to tip the scales toward climate smart food policy. Make sure that you are signed up for our email list and we’ll call you to action (well, we’ll email you to action) when a groundswell of grassroots voices would make a difference. Ecological Judaism (Green Zionist Alliance, Inc.) is a New York-based secular, progressive and pluralistic Jewish-environmental organization that supports a multi-denominational, multi-generational, regionally diverse community of Jewish environmental activists who learn from one another how to educate communities about and take action on our Jewish responsibility to protect the environment.
Multi-Religious: Interfaith Power & Light envisions a stable climate where humans live in right and just relationship, interconnected with a healthy, thriving, natural world.