18 Shoolman Way, Milton, MA 02186 | (617) 698-3394 | Email Us

Congregation Beth Shalom of the Blue Hills

South Shore Jewish Congregation

Rabbi Receives Community Builder Award


Rabbi Fred Benjamin of Temple Shalom of Milton received the Community Builder Award in Septermber, 2008 at a town-wide event called ¡Celebrate Milton! “in recognition of [his] participation in initiatives that have made Milton a more inclusive and interactive community.”  The program read, “When vandals painted swastikas on Temple Shalom, Rabbi Benjamin handled this sensitive situation with strength and tolerance, and brought  the community together under Stand Together Milton.  Presenting the award is master of ceremonies Dennis Slaughter.

Temple Shalom is an egalitarian congregation.  It is located at 180 Blue Hill Avenue (Rte. 138), about 4 miles from Rte. 93/128.  For more information about the installation or any other programs, please call the Temple office at 617-698-3394 or email the Temple Office.