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Passover Wine Order Form (Deadline Wednesday, April 2nd at 5pm)
Pickup times will be included in email confirmation
* Online form (preferred option)
* PDF form (print & return to office by April 2nd)

Sale of Chametz Form (Deadline Fri, April 11th at 9:30am)
* Online form (preferred option)
* PDF form (print & return to office by April 11)

Schedule of Services
All in-person services also will be streamed on Streamspot and Zoom.


from the Rabbinical Assembly:

2025's Pesah Kashrut Guide 

Step-by-Step Guide for Selling Hametz and Additional Pesah Prep Materials

Source Sheet: As we sit down at the seder during these uncertain times, this source sheet pushes us to ask how best to commemorate the exodus from Egypt and how that remembrance informs our actions towards the strangers in our midst.

Finding Common Ground at the Seder Through Awareness and Love (Ari Vernon)

The Four Children: Beyond the Labels (Maya Zinkow)

What It Means to be a Jew: The Full Children in Art (Michael Siegel)

Mon, March 24 2025 24 Adar 5785